Petruța Țuliga
Product Development Strategist
Petruța are peste 7 ani experiență în marketing aducând expertiză din zona de employer brand și product marketing pentru soluții digitale de tip SaaS și companii de IT.
Experiența profesională a Petruței este una diversă și implică colaborarea cu companii internaționale precum Google, Apple, DHL, Electrolux dar și colaborarea cu organizații din Austria și UK unde a coordonat și oferit consultanță în marketing.
Petruța a coordonat campanii de employer brand, strategii de comunicare internă, procese de rebranding dar și lansarea pe piață a două soluții software de tip SaaS. De asemenea, ultimii ani s-au focusat pe direcția antrepenorială de unde a adunat cunoștințe de business management, pitching, strategii de monetizare și modele de business.
A lucrat cu diferite framework-uri precum RICE, Value Proposition Design, Jobs to be done, Business Model Canvas, AARRR.
Our signature
The Brandocracy concept employs a unique, integrated approach to branding: from brand building, strategic marketing, and employer branding to customer experience strategy, digital design, brand design, and business sparring partnerships, all these having in focus the business numbers and objectives.
We know very well that branding is not mainly about products, clients and competition. It is, first of all, about being different, authentic and relevant in every aspect of your business. It is why we envision the larger picture and that is how we look at brands. No matter what area of our expertise you need, we come with solutions that have a positive impact for both the company and the people.
We get to observe and work with brands in various industries, thus we understand the complexity of running a business. As knowledge integrators, we bring to our collaborations best marketing and brand positioning practices and a thorough market understanding. The aim is to support the business growth while building upon a foundation of significance.